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MANNERS - an alternative to "Respect"
ISBN 0 9542338 1 6
1st Publication 17th March 2006
Although this book is meant to delight and add a sense of gaiety there is a deeper message that I wish to convey. In these troubled times, as a nation we seem to be in danger of losing our respect for the law, the church, authority and others. Some of our young are sinking into lawlessness, thuggery, rudeness, drunkenness and debauchery. This ought not to be surprising, as the constraints of morals and guidelines imposed by a Christian way of life have been all but abandoned, to be replaced by a cult of ‘celebrity’ and a ‘me-first’ society. With no structure or hope in the lives of many of the young it is no wonder they resort to gratuitous violence.
The government’s response to this has been to propose the ‘Respect Action Plan’, a confused ‘initiative’ extending ASBOs to even younger children, involving parents in classes to improve their parenting skills and higher on-the-spot fines - none of which seems to have had any effect, apart from including more children in the notoriety that follows the awarding of the ASBO badge of rite. I doubt whether any of these measures will make these children respect anything. What is needed is a big incentive to make it worthwhile to join a group where it is ‘cool’ to be well mannered. Although good manners may initially be regarded with derision, with encouragement and reward the culture of thinking of others may become absorbed and what was an affectation would sink into the inner being.
These rules are an adaptation of those compiled by French Jesuits in the 16th century, which appeared in English in the 18th century. Although I have left them in the style of 18th century English, I have altered them to an understandable form and have discarded a few that were obviously out of date and inserted a few modern equivalents. It is amazing that these have relevance today, but human nature is much the same and has always striven to provide common sense boundaries for decent living in an effort to enable us to live peaceably together.
ISBN 0 9542338 0 8
1st Publication 1st April 2002 Reviews
About the Author
Murray C Meikle is currently Professor of Orthodontics at Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Hospitals Medical and Dental School, University of London and formerly a Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Born in New Zealand, he was educated at Auckland Grammer School and the Universities of Otago, Washington and St John's College, Cambridge. Prior to his present appointment he worked for many years as a Research Scientist at the Strangeways Research Laboratory in Cambridge.
Over the past twenty years craniofacial biology has been revolutionized by major developments in our understanding of the cellular, molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying embryonic development. Many of these advances have been based on animal models, most notably the fruitfly Drosophila, the chick and the mouse. Since these developmental processes have been highly conserved during evolution, this information is relevant not only to understanding normal human development but also to understand how genetic mutations produce particular malformations or inherited diseases.
Murray Meikle and Bateson Publishing were runners up in The Society of Authors and The Royal Society of Medicine Book Award 2002.
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